Early Case Assessment

Objective: Develop processes to quickly analyze large quantities of ESI in order to make strategic decisions about a matter.

Challenge: Due to the limited amount of time between a triggering event and potential production often organizations are forced to focus almost exclusively on collecting & preserving information at the outset of a case. This limited focus on getting documents to review and ultimately getting them produced often precludes doing a proper analysis about the merits of a case early in the process.

Solution: We work with our clients to bring the latest technology to bare on potential ESI to gain information on the merits of a case, so that firms can be better armed for negotiations and make better tactical decisions.

Review Protocol

Objective: Ensure that your reviewers are able to properly identify documents that are responsive, while withholding those that are privileged.

Challenge: Rules and procedures around how to review documents and for what are unique to every case. This problem is further compounded when reviewers don’t have the benefit of the familiarity with a client’s individual industry and terms of art. Ultimately these problems manifest themselves in inaccurate review results and inefficient allocations of reviewer resources.

Solution: By focusing on both proactive issue training and sound statistical quality assurance methods, we work to ensure that our clients can get the most out of their reviewer resources. In addition we work to provide benchmarks that allow clients to properly measure a review’s — or reviewer’s — accuracy and efficiency.

Technology Assisted Review

Objective: Leverage technology to reduce the risks and costs associated with the review process.

Challenge: The volume of ESI in most organizations has grown to the point where it is nearly impossible for human reviewers to properly identify documents that may be responsive. In order to address this challenge historically courts and parties have negotiated logical bounds for what might need to be reviewed through a culling protocol and often the establishment of keywords or other filters. Unfortunately it is often no longer feasible to use these sort of filtering techniques as they often result in a set of documents that is either still to large to review or that unnecessarily omits potentially responsive documents.

Solution: Our team works with you to understand the latest Technology Assisted Review (TAR) techniques and develop a protocol that can be used to defensibly meet your production obligations.